Comprehensive Yiddish-English Dictionary: www.verterbukh.org
Refoyl Finkel’s Yiddish Resources: www.cs.uky.edu/~raphael/yiddish.html (includes: a searchable Yiddish-English dictionary; searchable versions of: the Groyser verterbukh fun der yidisher shrapkh, Stutshkov’s Oytser fun der yidisher shprakh, and Alexander Harkavy’s 1910 bidirectional dictionary; a Yiddish typewriter and spell-checker; and much more)
Morfix Hebrew-English Dictionary: www.morfix.co.il
LEO Multilingual German Dictionary: http://dict.leo.org
DICT Polish-English Dictionary: http://dict.pl/dict
Multitran Multilingual Russian Dictionary: www.multitran.ru
The Oxford English Dictionary: www.oed.com
Collins English Thesaurus: www.collinsdictionary.com/english-thesaurus
Other Yiddish-related Resources
The Steven Spielberg Digital Library at the Yiddish Book Center: www.yiddishbookcenter.org/books/search
The YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe: www.yivoencyclopedia.org
Index of Yiddish Periodicals at Hebrew University: http://yiddish-periodicals.huji.ac.il/
Az men zukht, gefint men! Dov-Ber Kerler’s Online Yiddish Resources: https://sites.google.com/site/onlineyiddishresources/
Elektronnaia Evreiskaia Entsiklopediia (Online Jewish Encyclopedia, in Russian): http://eleven.co.il
Understanding Yiddish Information Processing: www.uyip.org
Yiddish Sources: www.yiddish-sources.com
Google Chrome Yiddish Typer Extension:
Yiddish-related Organizations
The Yiddish Book Center (Amherst, MA): www.yiddishbookcenter.org
YIVO Institute for Jewish Research (New York, NY): www.yivo.org
Maison de la culture yiddish Bibliothèque Medem (Paris, France): http://yiddishweb.com
Vilnius Yiddish Insitute (Vilnius, Lithuania): www.judaicvilnius.com
Leyvik House (Tel Aviv, Israel): www.leyvik.co.il
Fundación IWO (Buenos Aires, Argentina): www.iwo.org.ar
Jewish Public Library (Montreal, Canada): www.jewishpubliclibrary.org
Literary Translation Resources & Organizations
American Literary Translators Association (ALTA): www.utdallas.edu/alta/
Banff International Literary Translation Centre: http://www.banffcentre.ca/programs/program.aspx?id=1318
British Centre for Literary Translation: www.bclt.org.uk
Center for the Art of Translation: www.catranslation.org
PEN American Center: www.pen.org
Three Percent: www.rochester.edu/college/translation/threepercent/
Words Without Borders: http://wordswithoutborders.org/